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Blog - Luxury Asset Buying and Collateral Lending

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What Short-term Luxury Loan Options Are Right For You?

What Short-term Luxury Loan Options Are Right For You?

Sharon decided to take a sabbatical. Both her parents were dealing with health issues and she wanted to be near to them. She talked to her boss and took a break. Sharon loved the idea of taking time off, but she had also planned for the financial hit she’d be taking. She had researched ways…

Consignment Versus Outright Selling Your Jewelry: Everything You Need to Know

Consignment Versus Outright Selling Your Jewelry: Everything You Need to Know

Michelle needed cash. Fast. While going through her jewelry one night, she came across a necklace that she hadn’t worn in a very long time. It was a gift from her ex-husband and the sight of it brought some sour memories to mind. In any case, she wasn’t particularly thrilled with that necklace now that…

2022 New Years’ Business Resolution: Starting A Side Hustle And Getting A Luxury Asset Loan To Fund It

2022 New Years’ Business Resolution: Starting A Side Hustle And Getting A Luxury Asset Loan To Fund It

It’s the start of the new year and with the new year come new resolutions. Everyone has personal resolutions but the businessman in you has a different approach towards these resolutions. You wish to start a new business or a new startup! The idea is all there. You have the execution all set out. All…

2022-Proofing Your Business: How Luxury Asset Lending Can Insulate You From Uncertainty

2022-Proofing Your Business: How Luxury Asset Lending Can Insulate You From Uncertainty

The global pandemic taught us all some very pertinent lessons. Two of them, and probably the most important for small businesses, were (a) you need the ability to pivot, and (b) you must shock-proof your business from uncertainties.   But how do you protect your firm from sudden shocks? By pivoting towards assets that you already…

Beating The Great Resignation of 2021: How A Luxury Asset Loan Can Keep You Going While Searching For New Work

Beating The Great Resignation of 2021: How A Luxury Asset Loan Can Keep You Going While Searching For New Work

The pandemic saw mass resignations among working people as businesses found it extremely difficult to pay salaries due to low cash liquidity. This great resignation of 2021 saw people put in resignation letters due to a force of nature never seen in recent history, and as a new array of remote work opportunities picked up….

Bootstrapping Your Business: How a Luxury Car Collateral Loan Helped This Vasco Client Realize His Startup Dream

Bootstrapping Your Business: How a Luxury Car Collateral Loan Helped This Vasco Client Realize His Startup Dream

Expansion is on the mind of every business owner. After all, wouldn’t you like to be the next Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos? Foraying into different business verticals requires time and effort, a lot of imagination, and a complete understanding of the market. As business owners yourselves, you might already have all that it takes…

Looking for a Precious Gemstone Buyer? A Seller’s Guide to Turning Diamond, Sapphire, or Emerald Rings into Cash

Looking for a Precious Gemstone Buyer? A Seller’s Guide to Turning Diamond, Sapphire, or Emerald Rings into Cash

Gemstone and gemstone jewelry can be the ultimate style icon, seldom going out of fashion. It takes an artist to turn these colored stones into eye-catchers that can become the talk of the town. But how do you know if the stone you have is a precious stone, or even if it does look like…

A Collateral Bridge Loan in California: How This Vasco Client Leveraged A Short-Term Loan to Buy Real Estate

A Collateral Bridge Loan in California: How This Vasco Client Leveraged A Short-Term Loan to Buy Real Estate

Opportunities don’t always come knocking, but when they do we must seize them, come what may. This sounds good in theory, but the real world is riddled with challenges that may make it difficult to seize the good stuff that comes your way. Caleb recalls his encounter with one such opportunity. Back in 2019, Caleb…

How A Vasco Client Leveraged Their Luxury Car Into Holiday Renovation Financing

How A Vasco Client Leveraged Their Luxury Car Into Holiday Renovation Financing

Picture this – It’s been 10 years since you last remodeled your home and it’s almost the holiday season. The last big purchase you made was the 65’ OLED TV which the kids don’t like anymore because it’s missing a few features, and that was back in 2018. The whole family, including you, is now…

How Vasco Assets Helped This Mom-and-Pop Retailer Drive Holiday Business with a Secured Cash Loan

How Vasco Assets Helped This Mom-and-Pop Retailer Drive Holiday Business with a Secured Cash Loan

Businesses need to be smart yet cautious about their finances, especially in times of uncertainty and the general nature of business risks that are inherent in the activity. The pandemic wreaked havoc on the economy, primarily affecting the small, family-owned businesses of passionate people across the United States. Many small businesses could not sustain themselves and…

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